Quick fire questions on number bonds, times tables, division facts, doubling and halving numbers against the clock.
Mental Maths Train is a maths game which focuses on the essential vocabulary of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. A multiple choice game which can give children confidence in the four arithmetic operations.
Coconut Multiples can reinforce children's knowledge of times tables by helping them to recognise the multiples from each table. Select either multiples from times tables up to 10 or 12. Select individual times tables or mixed.
Daily 10 has maths questions on a range of maths concepts: addition, subtraction, ordering, partitioning, digit values, rounding, multiplication, division, doubles, halves and fractions. Great starter or plenary activity. Useful for mental maths.
Three different arithmetic games which will test your knowledge of times tables up to 12 times. You can work through different levels to build up your skills.
Practise your multiplication skills. The game not only covers times tables but also doubles, squared and cubed numbers.
A fun, multiple choice maths game which focuses on times tables, doubling and square and cube numbers. Either 1 or 2 player options.
Funky Mummy is a number facts game. Practise quick recall of addition, subtraction and multiplication facts.
Can you achieve a strike? The quicker and more accurate you are in answering your times tables, the easier it will be to aim your bowling ball at the pins.
Practise your times tables by either selecting which table you want to learn or try the mixed tables activities.