Spring term

Date: 3rd Jan 2016 @ 11:20pm

Hello to all our parent's and families in Reception and Year 1!

I hope you all had a happy and healthy Christmas and New Year. I hope the children are looking forward to coming back to school after a well earned break!

This half term our topic is 'Tremendous Transport'. We are going to be learning all about different types of transport through time and we will hopefully get the chance to visit the Manchester Transport Museum and Manchester Runway Park. If you know of anyone that has an interesting mode of transport who would be willing to bring it onto the school playground for us to look at then please get in touch.

As Mathematicians the Reception children will be coninuing to develop their number skills and we will be challenging the children to become confident at writing numbers to 10 and we will work on counting and using numbers to 20. We will be working on finding 1 more and one less than a number and adding 2 groups together to find a total. We will be using the language of more, less and equal. In year 1 we will be focussing on ensuring we know our numbers to 100 and we will use these to help us solve problems. We will also begin learning about multiplication and division, counting in 2's, 5's, and 10's and we will learn to solve problems with money.

As Writers the Reception children will continue to develop their fine motor skills and their letter formation. We will be encouraging the children to write as much as possible ensuring that they use their phonics knowledge in their writing. We will be helping all children become secure when writing simple 3 letter words. We will be looking for the children to be spelling their tricky words and high frequency words in their writing. In Year 1 we will be writing our own information texts based upon different types of transport and we will hopefully turn these into non-fiction books which can live in our school library.

We will continue to practice our reading skills in our daily reading sessions. This will happen through individual and guided reading sessions and time spent reading for pleasure and playing one of our fabulous phonics games.

We really appreciate all the support we can get from parents. Below is some ways you can help:

  1. Read every day with your child. Talk about books, read signs when on car journeys, let your child read the shopping list at the super market etc. Please record in your child's reading record everytime you hear them read.
  2. Practice counting to 20 (reception) and 100 (year 1). Count anything and everything.
  3. Practice learning (reading, writing and spelling) your child's tricky words and high frequencey words. A list of the words is attached. Please ask if you are unsure which words your child is working on. This is a really key job as it is hugely important to your child's early reading and writing skills. The more confident they are at using these words, the more confident they will be when reading and writing! It would be really useful to practice these on a daily basis. Start with being able to read them before writing and spelling them.
  4. Practice letter formation/handwiritng. Please see school if you would like an example of how each letter is formed.
  5. Go on Mathletics and complete the online activites. Your child's log in should be in their reading record.
  6. Check the website regularly to keep up to date with all the exciting things we have been doing. Use this as a talking point with your child.

If you need to know any more information then please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Hope to see you all bright and early on Tuesday,

Miss Keegan and all the Class 1 team smiley

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Whitley Village Primary School
Village lane, Lower Whitley, WA4 4QH
The Rowan Learning Trust
18 Beecham Court, Goose Green, Wigan, WN3 6PR
Whitley Village School is a member of the Rowan Learning Trust. Company No. 8010464, Reg. Office: 18 Beecham Court, Goose Green, Wigan, WN3 6PR

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